Background Checks Cardiff

Background Checks Cardiff

Background Checks Cardiff

Employment-related online social profiling is a background check powered by the Social People SP Index used for Background Checks Cardiff. This profiling technology developed by Social Media Consulting provides the foundation for the evaluation reports. Sometimes results are encouraging, sometimes they indicate the need for training, and occasionally they are alarming!

“Online social profiling reveals the truth behind an employee’s online words and actions along with the unsaid facts hidden behind each CV , and is entirely compliant with current legislation.” - Martin Hardy, CEO and founder of Social Media Consulting

Online social media checks on employees

The SP-Index reports the results of its social media checks in a short, easy-to-understand personalised document, whilst keeping organisations safely compliant with employment laws and regulations. It finds the digital footprints left by an individual and provides a series of key index related scores useful for Background Checks Cardiff and when compared against national benchmarks.

Thinking ahead, reducing risk and saving money

These online social profile checks are a much-needed response for Background Checks Cardiff and the growing epidemic of expensive and irreversible mistakes that employees have made online. They have frequently resulted in sackings and tribunals, attracting unwanted media attention. All this can be avoided by using one or more of the SP-Index services:

Role-based profiling and screening – improves the quality of talent matching.

Employee monitoring – enables you to take early action if required.

Training and education – many employees simply do not realise the consequences of their online actions.

Online social profiling

Our reports for Background Checks Cardiff indicate to potential or existing employers if an individual’s social media activities:

  • breach company policy
  • are leaking or are likely to leak information
  • could potentially damage your brand and reputation
  • may have an impact on sales and customer relations
  • confirm the details on their CV
  • are encouraging illegal activities
  • demonstrate undesirable characteristics which are unwelcome in the workplace.

Many employees now include the SP-Index ratings on their CV's and LinkedIn

About Us


Combining our specialist software UNVEIL with a carefully structured process of research carried out by human researchers, we look deeply into an individual’s online profile to identify all relevant information which could present a current or future risk to an employer.

Using a carefully structured recruitment approach we discover the perfect people to work in our team who demonstrate the right attitude and commitment to our customer needs. We protect our employees and our company success with above national average benefits, and people policies which reflect fairness, diversity and respect for creative thinking.


Decorum software considers all relevant online behavioural index measures and produces a risk report designed to encourage a positive call to action by the employer.

Our employees are focused and savvy towards the latest online apps and websites used by individuals, and as such, they are encouraged to share knowledge and to support the continuous development of our reports and software. 

About Us

About Us


We protect our software by profiling it regularly and by implementing new development ideas, upgrades and adapting to the advances of online communities. We are excited about discovering new online trends, websites and applications used by individuals and incorporating these into our software.

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